Wednesday, May 4, 2011

We Are the Number one Sucker in the World!!!!

bin LADEN DEAD. Those have been the headlines. Now we should have a headline. PRESIDENT OBAMA is A BULLSHITTER!!! That's the way I see it. He doesn't want to inflame people by releasing the photos. I have said it from first time I heard it. bin Laden is not dead. Bull crap about not releasing the photos. He just needed the spotlight off of him. That's what happened, his poll numbers went up, he's riding high again.

Don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth nor anything from the White House. They are there to take our money, stay in their offices for years and years... and then more years. They are a bunch of bullshitters and I am ashamed of all the crap they pull. They would rather kiss asses of other countries than keep the money here to help their own people. We have whole families homeless but let's spend more money overseas..yeah right. Let's help the very people that hate us and are killing our people everyday. Yeah, let's just kept piling it on, be the number one in the world.

Yeah, we are the number one sucker in the world. Stomp on our own people to take care of those very ones that hate us. Yeah, a very smart move...don't you think that's wrong.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Oakland Calif. cops shoots and kills a 11 yr old dog!!!!

What the hell!!! While a family was out of town the cops got a burglary call. They responded and there was GLORIA. An eleven year old lab, with arthritis, she walked slow, limped because she had arthritis in her hind legs. They said she barked/growled at them and then came after them. So, they shot at her three times and one shot hit her in the head. Then the pieces of crap left a note'' sorry your dog charged at me and I killed a 11 yr old dog that had trouble moving around''. I am so tired of hearing how the police shoots, beats, tazers a person or an animal and gets away with it.

I have read where they beat or kills someone while a bust goes wrong and then they have no charges filed against them. They but on the badge and they say'' I'm better than you and I can get away with anything I want to. I used to believe in the police, the courts, the Judges but no more. A person can be innocent and still be beat down and found guilty. Don't get me started on the lazy, inapt so called pieces of crap called probation officers. We need a newer, better government and that starts from the state governments then to the federal government. We need to start standing together and quit fighting. Get rid of the two parties... I feel like once we get rid of those two parties we will be on the right track to a better USA.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My favorite star ( my mama) !!!!!

I thought I would stop's been a while since I last wrote on my blog. I can say it's because I have been really busy, but that's not the truth. Well, I have been a little busy...but.. mostly lazy. I'll myself I'm going to post today but then I'm like, not. I am going to see my mama on Tuesday. I talk with her on the phone but I need to go see her. She had some bad news given to her on Saturday. She was told she has 1-3 months to live. That's a lot to take. My sister called me and told me that my favorite star in my life is dimming out and one day it will be burned out.

My mama had to have open heart surgery and since then she's had so many problems. She was told she has a mild case of Cirrhosis of the Liver. I was like what the heck!! My mama doesn't drink. I have since found out that you can have that without drinking. Come to find out that the medicine she was given during her surgery messed her up, that helped cause her having Cirrhosis of the liver. My sister(Gail) told me she thought mama would take the news really bad, but mama told Gail that she had a dream last week about the doctors telling her she didn't have much longer to live.

My mama hasn't had the greatest of lives. I have always want to get lots & lots of money to take care of her and now that's not possible. Gail and my mama talked about it and Gail told her that if she's ready to go it's okay, mama told her the only thing is keeping her here is us...all the kids. She said she wouldn't be able to see us any longer. My sister said that made it so much harder to listen to. I can not image not being able to talk to her, give her a hug,send her a card. I have not cried yet because I feel like if I allow myself that privilege to ease my pain that way I wouldn't stop.

So, I'm waiting until after she's gone. Do I sound like I don't care? My sister Gail was crying when she told me and when I called my sister Cindy, she started crying and I haven't cried once. Am I being reasonable, thinking that it'll hit me after she's gone? I don't know, I know when I see mama on Tuesday she'll tell me that this will happen to me if I don't take care of myself. I'm a diabetic and I have trouble with my liver now. I have a fat patch on my liver and I have to eat low fat or nonfat foods. I know I have to look out for health but at times I'm like who the hell cares, I'll eat what I want to. But now, I have to do better about my health because I don't want to get that line that she got on Saturday... you have 1-3 months to live. Is it better knowing that you're dying or is it best to be blissful by not knowing? I can't image hearing those words but I know I will if I don;t get my health straightened out. I'm not fat and That's what I keep telling myself... you're not fat so you're okay. My favorite star is dimming and all I want it to do is shine bright forever.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

What a mess?????

Can you believe the Health Care bill passed??? I don't know, I know we need something done about it, but do we really need the government in our heath care? I think it's great that they are going to fix it where the insurance company won't give you coverage if you have a pre existing health problem. But from what I have heard about the bill this is the only thing that's worth the whole mess that has gone on this past year.

I saw on the news this morning how people are throwing rocks/bricks thur the windows of Democrats that voted for the bill. Of course the Democrats shouted out it's the Republicans that are stirring the pot.'s not the Republicans stirring the pot making trouble. It's the Democrats shoving this ridicules bill down our throats just so the President can sign this bill to show that he finally did something. This man and his followers have done EXACTLY what they accused the last administration of doing. Pork bills added in and all those secrete meetings behind closed doors, that's what was supposed to be done away with. Yea right!!

Have you noticed how Obama looks when someone says's a comment or remark on something he is saying or trying to pass off on us? He gets that look of'' How dare they have an opinion of their own, I'm in charge here and I KNOW WHAT"S GOOD FOR THEM''. To me he acts like he is better than us. He is trying his damn est to change our country and for all of the people who put him in office they responsible for helping him change/destroy our country. I didn't vote for him but I did try to give him a chance but he hasn't done anything but continue to do what HE wants to do and the hell with the rest of us. We need someone to run our country not kill it. He isn't a great president.. he's not even a good one.Our country is being killed by the very people that was put in charge to take care of it......Republicans & Democrats are both the blame. It's no wonder people are pissed and going nuts, the government is no longer helping us they are destroying us.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bilderberg Group,Is Our Own President One Of Them???

Things are changing here in America. I don't think it's for the better. I believe the Prez and his people have a agenda of their own and it means changing America. They want to take our rights away and fix us to their liking. I knew there was something about Obama that I didn't trust. I was right to listen to myself. No, I couldn't care less that he's black, hell Bush wasn't my favorite person ether.

When you have Obama meeting with the Bildergerg group in secret and they gave the go ahead for him to run for the office you know damn well we are going to hell in a hand basket. These are some of the most powerful people in the world and they are meeting in secret. WHY??? People get your heads out of the sand and read up on this,we are in big trouble. Why are we letting these people take over our lives, our country. They want to do away with a lot of us, they want to control everything and they mostly likely already do. You have powerful people in the media, banking, energy and our President. Wake up people, WE are in big trouble. We need to bring these people out from the shadows into the light as soon as possible!!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Obama, what has he done yet?

Obama is in such a hurry to pass any health care plan. He said that whatever bill passes the Senate he's going to sign it. One thing about Lieberman, he has nuts to stand up and say quit adding on pork spending. The Democrats don't care how much it costs to put this so called health bill in action. Putting a part in there about finding people that don't buy insurance is total out & out bullshit.

What is Biden got strong words for Lieberman for? Biden is just another yes man to Obama, maybe he should have some balls and tell Obama that this bill is wrong and they should really work on it and not try to push it thru just because Obama wants to show the world that he has finally done something in this soon to be year of him being in office. I think that's a piss poor reason to rush a bill thru before it is work out completely....don't you.

I have insurance, but that doesn't mean I can go to the doctor or buy all my meds.. You pay all that money to the insurance companies and if you do get really sick they can deny you treatment which is also bullshit. The people in Washington( both parties) should fix the health care insurance companies and the way they operate before shoving their so called health care bill down our the way, it won't go in effect for another two-three years anyway. So,WHY THE RUSH??? Oh, I know... just to make Obama look like he's doing his job...the one that he's getting paid to do. I believe he will go in the history books as the do nothing President, just like Bush will go in the books as the President that started a war and couldn't finish it.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Blah, Blah Today:{:{:{

Feeling blah blah today. Can't seem to get going today. Have you ever had those days where you are wondering why you are here and where the hell did all the years go?

That's my problem. I'm trying to find out why I'm here and what do I have to do to show that I am here. I would love to write but I can't seem to get the words from my mind to paper. When I put it on paper it just doesn't seem to really say or match my thoughts. I would like to write a book on ''Does evil recognize evil when they meet''? I have started but I'm hopeless. I can write in my journal but can't do anything else. Just rambling today, no talking about what's going on in the country or the world, just me rambling.

The darkness just brushing my fingertips today. I guess that's why I'm blue, wants to grab my hand but I can't let it grab me or it'll pull me all the way day.